Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our most commonly asked questions

Kev Seeley, our CEO, built his first website in 1996.

We have been building based websites since 2002.

BlueBay Solutions has been continuously trading since 2003.

We started building web apps before they became "trendy".

Yes, we have the experience you need to get the job done.

We understand that getting all the details about your new web project just right can be a little difficult at times.

If you have an idea for your project but are unsure exactly how to get it off the ground, get in touch with us. Use our experience to help fill in all the blanks and lift your next project into the stratosphere!

A web app or web application is simply any application or website that runs in a browser. It combines the features of the client (browser) with the power of a server to deliver or gather content and data.
Our SEO services are designed to optimise your website content and layout for both your sites users and the major search engines. So, yes we can.
The short answer is as best you can. The more information you can provide, the better. Thankfully, you don't have to do this yourself as we have a thorough brief submission form that walks you through the process.
Yes we will. We will first evaluate your existing website for you and then recommend the best ways to proceed. If we feel we can help, we will tell you how. We will never say yes to any request that we cannot confidently fulfill.
Yes. It is! Don't let that put you off though. We are only 15 minutes by fast ferry from the mainland and we have all the technology needed to carry out remote face to face meetings if needed. We are only here for the tax breaks (just kidding - seriously, you dont believe that do you?).

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Fetching the wisdom


I don't know the answer to that question but I have passed it on to someone who might.

Expect an answer sometime soon.

If you don't want to wait, you can always ask Google

Enjoy the rest of your day!

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You'll find us hard at work Monday through Friday. We usually get started bright and early but give us a little time for the caffeine to kick in. We love it when you email us but phone calls are OK as well.

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The Ideas Factory

18 Blue Bay Crescent,
Perulpa Island,
Brisbane, Qld
Australia 4184

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